Ancient Spirit Rising:
Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community
“We need to tell new stories about ourselves, new myths to guide us forward, and new manifestos that celebrate our integration with the natural world. Our archaic spirit needs to rise again in a weaving of timeless myths and stories of growth, regeneration, rites of passage, motion, energy, illumination, magic, decay, and all the Earth’s processes that dwell both in us and the more-than-human world.” Chapter 22, “Earth Story”
“If human beings started to worship the trees, plants, animals, birds, insects and elements as the supreme Divine Beings of the universe, industrial civilization would probably collapse overnight. To revere the elements, creatures and landforms of nature as sacred and inviolable Divinities might be just the turnaround this monotheistic patriarchal system requires.” Chapter 22, “Earth Love”
“There is an ancestral memory in all of us that, if given the opportunity, can renew our kinship to the Circle of all Life. Re-awakening ancient memories from our primeval past allows our consciousness and conscience to unite again in harmony with Mother Earth. Evoking our biophilia, reclaiming nature as a mystical mirror of ourselves, having spiritual adventures and experiences in green spaces - these are the blessings that can assist us in the rewilding of our souls.” Chapter 22, “Ecomysticism & Nature Spirituality”
“As stripped of our ancestral knowledge as we Settlers seem to be, we defy the position of patriarchal dominance and undermine the notion of cultural superiority when we reclaim the roots of our authentic indigeneity. It is our birthright as human beings to declare our true status as People of the Earth (as it is for all cultural groups), and if we collectively reject the delusional separation from nature that Empire has forced upon us, we move back into right relationship with Earth Community. Anchoring ourselves deeply into our earth-honoring culture and reclaiming our EIK (European Indigenous Knowledge) is a powerful blow against the monolith of cultural imperialism.”
Chapter 6, “We All Have IK”
“In the different narratives of the Seventh Fire Prophecy, the notion was put forth that it would be the First Nations of Turtle Island who would light the way through the apocalyptic darkness. It is said that Indigenous Elders will guide those who have lost their way, offering teachings and wisdom that bring us into balance, and help us to recover our place within (not above) the Circle of all Life. This is a wonderful vision, but how much better it would be if those of European heritage could meet them halfway, to come to the table revitalized in our earth-connected culture as Gaelic, Baltic or Nordic wisdom keepers (for example) ~ strong and knowledgeable in our own heritage and indigenous knowledge, and honorable in our mutual care for the Earth.” Chapter 18, “Anishnaabe Prophecy”