Book Club Study Guide
Ancient Spirit Rising was written as an inquiry into the various ideas and actions we take for granted in today’s world of diverse spiritual paths and practices. For many of us, and within our own circles and movements, some of these issues are being talked about for the first time. As an author and life-long learner, it is my pleasure to offer a 5-part Study Guide for individual readers and book clubs, as a way to delve into the themes and new directions found within the pages of Ancient Spirit Rising. For online gatherings and book clubs, I can facilitate the Study Guide by request through a series of complementary two-hour Zoom webinars. The Ancient Spirit Rising Study Guide is a guideline for telling your own stories, discussing difficult issues in a warm and supportive environment, looking at the journey ahead, and asking important questions. How you, your book club or group use the questions, prompts and dialogues is entirely up to you – please engage at your own pace and in your own way. PEGI EYERS
STUDY GUIDE PART 1 “Identity, Modern Spiritual Paths & Cultural Appropriation”
STUDY GUIDE PART 2 “The Toxic Legacy of Cultural Appropriation, and Authentic Identities”
STUDY GUIDE PART 3 “In the Belly of the Beast: the Solidarity, Anti-Racism & Social Justice Response to White Supremacy & White Privilege”
STUDY GUIDE PART 4 “Rejecting Empire, Decolonization, Nature Spirituality & Reconnecting to Place”
STUDY GUIDE PART 5 “Practices & Directions for Tracing Ancestral Knowledge & Peaceful Co-existence”
If you feel so inclined, Paypal donations are welcome for the Ancient Spirit Rising Study Guide. Support my work @ THANK YOU! |
"For anyone who is woke to the fact that this modern neo-capitalist culture has forgotten something
profound and vital, please check out Pegi's work. It is a deep call for those of us whose ancestors
are not from Turtle Island to return to a different way of relating, to each another and the land."
Mark Erde, Nature Guide at Medicine Kitchens
profound and vital, please check out Pegi's work. It is a deep call for those of us whose ancestors
are not from Turtle Island to return to a different way of relating, to each another and the land."
Mark Erde, Nature Guide at Medicine Kitchens