Re-igniting the Sacred Power of Creation 2016
Shatitsirotha/Boodiwewin: Re-igniting the Sacred Power of Creation was an amazing opportunity to deliver the timely message of Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community to delegates from all over the world. Hosted by Indigenous Environmental Studies & Sciences at Trent University on April 22-24, 2016, my panel discussion was entitled "Settler Re-landing and Ancestral Knowledge." Access a full transcript of my presentation >here<
Dan Longboat, the lead organizer and visionary behind Shatitsirotha Boodiwewin: Re-igniting the Sacred Power of Creation with Pegi Eyers Nogojiwanong, Saturday April 23, 2016
Re-igniting the Sacred Power of Creation featured three renowned keynote speakers - Vandana Shiva, Manulani Meyer and Robin Kimmerer - as well as a series of workshops, panel discussions, presentations and breakout action groups. The weekend convened on Earth Day, and was open to all ages and to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, especially those who work in the environment sector. It brought together a diversity of voices, both academic and non-academic, young and old, to engage with traditional teachings and knowledge(s), to brainstorm solutions, and discuss future actions. View the promotional video featuring Vandana Shiva >here<