Pegi Eyers was the Graham official Author of the Month for May 2019 ~!
"It's our pleasure to host award-winning author and social change advocate Pegi Eyers as AoM for the month of May. Work like Pegi's is crucial in connecting global decolonisation with the Consciousness Revolution and ancient origins revival. Welcome Pegi! Warmest wishes, Graham Hancock."
Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community is a compendium for change. It provides clear and concise guidelines to important questions. What were the foundational nation-to-nation agreements in the Americas? What can be done to right the wrongs of history? How can we effectively make change?"
Access Pegi's AoM page >HERE<
Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community is a compendium for change. It provides clear and concise guidelines to important questions. What were the foundational nation-to-nation agreements in the Americas? What can be done to right the wrongs of history? How can we effectively make change?"
Access Pegi's AoM page >HERE<
Access the showcase for Ancient Spirit Rising at Graham, join the forum and explore how we denounce capitalism, decolonize from our conditioning, avoid the “cultural appropriation” phenomena, reclaim some kind of Indigeneity (yes, people all over the planet can claim Indigenous Roots), express our ancient spirits in a modern voice, and start to live as part of the living planet again. The world hangs in the balance, and pre-colonial wisdom just might be the key to a positive future.
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