Pegi Eyers at Harvard Divinity School (HDS)
Our Emerging Selves: Exploring Self and Nature through Creative Practice
(HDS Working Group)
It was incredibly exciting to share my recent photo-essay "Eco-Agony" with my co-members in our Harvard Divinity School working group! I created a video presentation incorporating my personal spiritual journey with more recent artworks. The range of feedback and responses included comments such as "grounded and at one with the earth," "a metaphor for birth," "the fetal position," "birthing the new earth-connected human," "a sense of awe," and "grieving as a core piece of the work." For me, the underlying intent of "Eco-Agony" is the reciprocal relationship between humans and nature - one that is grounded in love and care. To engage with loving the land, is to experience the land loving us back.
Watch the Recording
ECO-AGONY by Pegi Eyers
Pegi Eyers is the author of "Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community," an award-winning book that explores strategies for uncolonization, rejecting Empire, social justice, ethnocultural identity, Apocalypse Studies, building land- emergent community & resilience in times of massive change.