We cannot deny the fear and frustration of many people right now, especially the millennials who are finding these times of lockdown traumatic. And yet, some of us have already experienced similar times of restriction. Not too many years ago I spent 12 weeks tethered to an IV in two different hospitals. And yet as dark as that time was, I discovered a silver lining. I was able to find comfort, solace, healing, respite, and inspiration by going deep within, and exploring the imaginal spaces.
Not to bypass the stark realities and protocols happening right now, but this is also an excellent time to daydream, time-travel, drift, walk aimlessly, go inward and create something new (music - paintings - a book) that will blow people's minds when the crisis is over. All these inward-directed activities are portals to happiness and balance, and the magical realms of Earth Community.
Find a place out on the land, where the ancient energies are vibrant and alive. The natural world is a miracle and a mystery, and everything is unfolding exactly as it should. The birds are singing, the trees are budding, the watershed is flowing, the clouds are endlessly changing, the night sky is eternal, and love is the currency of Gaia. As Thoreau would say, don't read "The Times" - read the eternities.
"As both observer and participant in the luminous healing power and ultimate joy of the green realm, you will be ensouled with the deep knowing of being intrinsically linked to Mother Earth, and the interconnectivity of all creation." Ancient Spirit Rising (Ecodigenous, Page 167)
Days of uncertainty are good for summoning up gratitude for what we CAN do, and all the things that we DO have. Obviously we were born at exactly the right time to witness this global pandemic - at the apogee of western civilization - and there is no point in not accepting it. After all, if apocalyptic events have been predicted for years now, and we've already wrapped our brains around that possibility, why should we be surprised or inconvenienced?
WE ARE THOSE PEOPLE, and our task is to SURRENDER, and to be grateful that we are alive at all, to witness this unfolding of global destiny. We are face-to-face with what is real, what is essential and what is crucial, to be one unique being of many, dwelling in the Sacred Circle of All Life.
Not to bypass the stark realities and protocols happening right now, but this is also an excellent time to daydream, time-travel, drift, walk aimlessly, go inward and create something new (music - paintings - a book) that will blow people's minds when the crisis is over. All these inward-directed activities are portals to happiness and balance, and the magical realms of Earth Community.
Find a place out on the land, where the ancient energies are vibrant and alive. The natural world is a miracle and a mystery, and everything is unfolding exactly as it should. The birds are singing, the trees are budding, the watershed is flowing, the clouds are endlessly changing, the night sky is eternal, and love is the currency of Gaia. As Thoreau would say, don't read "The Times" - read the eternities.
"As both observer and participant in the luminous healing power and ultimate joy of the green realm, you will be ensouled with the deep knowing of being intrinsically linked to Mother Earth, and the interconnectivity of all creation." Ancient Spirit Rising (Ecodigenous, Page 167)
Days of uncertainty are good for summoning up gratitude for what we CAN do, and all the things that we DO have. Obviously we were born at exactly the right time to witness this global pandemic - at the apogee of western civilization - and there is no point in not accepting it. After all, if apocalyptic events have been predicted for years now, and we've already wrapped our brains around that possibility, why should we be surprised or inconvenienced?
WE ARE THOSE PEOPLE, and our task is to SURRENDER, and to be grateful that we are alive at all, to witness this unfolding of global destiny. We are face-to-face with what is real, what is essential and what is crucial, to be one unique being of many, dwelling in the Sacred Circle of All Life.
Pegi Eyers is the author of Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community, an award-winning book that explores
strategies for intercultural competency, healing our relationships with
Turtle Island First Nations, uncolonization, recovering an ecocentric
worldview, rewilding, creating a sustainable future and reclaiming
peaceful co-existence in Earth Community.
Available from Stone Circle Press or Amazon.
With 420 pages, full colour, extensive notes, live links & exhaustive references, the Ancient Spirit Rising >eBook< is “A Compendium for Change!”
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