Pegi Eyers ~ Ancient Spirit Rising
Ana Oian Amets ~ Awakening the Horse People
The Youth Passageways Learning Journey Interview Series was presented by the Cross Cultural Protocols Working Group as a follow-up to the 7-week program Right Relations in Rites of Passage: Reflections on a Shared Learning Journey. Darcy Ottey and Sobey Wing of the CCP sat down with Pegi Eyers and Ana Oian Amets to discuss various topics that came out of the journey in more detail, and as related to the work each of them do. The interview lends consideration to practitioners working from a decolonial and social justice lens, and how to center the most marginalized and oppressed by Empire. Youth Passageways >LINK< Ancient Spirit Rising >LINK< Awakening the Horse People >LINK<
Pegi Eyers is the author of Ancient Spirit Rising: Reclaiming Your Roots & Restoring Earth Community, an award-winning book that explores strategies for social justice, uncolonization, ethnocultural identity, building land-emergent community & resilience in times of massive change.
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